Open for Student Success Symposium

Join Georgia State University Library for Our3rd Annual Open Education Week Celebration,where professionals and students unite with the common purposeto learn and share insights about open and affordable education.
The Open for Student Success Symposium
March 7, 20259:30 AM - 4:30 PM ET
Free, Online, and Open to All
Register Here
The symposium's theme this year isOpen Education: Fueling Equity in Learning
And we will have the honor of welcoming two keynote speakers:
Paola Corti, Open Education Community Manager at SPARC Europe and Project Manager for METID at Politecnico di Milano, will share how her work is breaking barriers in the Open Education Movement by harnessing an international network of librarians. Paola will present her keynote, titled "Opening Knowledge: A Natural Approach," exploring the practice of lifelong learning and its impact on both students and teachers. She will also share tools to discuss the concept of openness, including the ENOEL Playing Cards and related gameplays. Virginia Clinton-Lisell is Associate Professor of Education, Health, and Behavior with the College of Education & Human Development at the University of North Dakota and Primary Researcher for the Open Education Research Fellowship. She holds a master's degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from New York University and a doctorate in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota. Virginia will present her keynote, titled "The Inaccessibility of Access Codes: Student Experiences with Online Homework Systems," sharing findings from a survey of almost a thousand college students about the costs of homework access codes and their impact on student finances, grades, and stress levels.