Évaluer l’impact de vos REL interactives et accessibles dans votre pratique d’enseignement

Évaluer l’impact de vos REL interactives et accessibles dans votre pratique d’enseignement

This hands-on workshop guides OER developers to assess the impact of their OER in their learning environment using LMS platforms. During the workshop, OER creators or adopters will be guided and encouraged to:

1. Export and integrate their OER into an LMS.
2. Design data collection tools (surveys, focus groups, etc.) to gather feedback from students on their perceptions and uses of OER in their learning environment.
3. Explore strategies for analysing this feedback in order to improve OER and encourage colleagues to adopt them.

Speakers: Dominique Scheffel-Dunand (Université York, Canada), Sushumna Rao Tadinada (Hyderabad, Inde)

in 14 days
Université de York
Toronto, Canada
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