Equity Unbound Open Education Week Reflections and Discussion Session

Equity Unbound Open Education Week Reflections and Discussion Session

We are excited to announce a few events that may be of interest during Open Education Week! We are participating in one of the live sessions facilitated by Alan Levine, and we are offering a couple of additional activities. We hope to see you there!

At Equity Unbound, here three activities we are involved in or hosting:

1. Open Education Week Reflections Padlet (asynchronous)

We will be hosting an asynchronous OE Week Padlet for everyone to share resources, reflections and thoughts during and after OE Week. Please share what stands out for you as the week goes on.

2. Live Session: Socially Just Distributed Care in the Open by Equity Unbound team with Alan Levine (synchronous)

Wednesday, 5 March – 10 pm Cairo | 8 pm UTC| 3 pm EST

Alan Levine is hosting the Equity Unbound team (Maha Bali, Mia Zamora, Nadine Aboulmagd & Yasmine Abulfadl) to speak at Open Ed Week about Socially Just Distributed Care in the Open. More info here.

You can watch live on YouTube and be part of the conversations or watch it later through this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doUqf9fon2w

3. Open Education Week Reflections and Discussion Session with Alan Levine (synchronous)

Monday, 17 March – 9 pm Cairo | 7 pm UTC | 3 pm EDT.

We will host a post-OE Week reflection session, with Alan Levine, using the posts from the asynchronous Padlet as a starting point for the conversation. If you’d like to join us for that, please register.

in 10 days
Online from Multiple Locations
Online from Multiple Locations
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